Design Practice Reference (DPR with Examples)
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Design Practice Reference

Activities and Templates to Craft Quality Software in Style

About the Book

DPR (pronounced "deeper") collects artifact templates and practices from engineering methods (old and new) that are applicable to service-oriented analysis and design (and beyond). Sample content can be found here.

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About the Authors

Olaf Zimmermann
Olaf Zimmermann

Hands-on software architect with a PhD in architectural decision modeling. Author of "Patterns for API Design", creator of the MDSL service contract language. Co-leader of Markdown Architectural Decisions (MADR) project, creator of the Y-Statement template for AD capturing. Domain-driven designer and method engineer (DPR, ESE, VDAD). Blogs about technical writing, software architecture and API design on Medium. Fond of backronyms such as ACID, IDEAL, JEDi, POINT, SOLID (learn more).

Mirko Stocker
Mirko Stocker

Full-stack engineer fluent in Java:script with Spring and React, with a special place in my heart for Scala and the Play framework. Interested in APIs, patterns, refactoring, and growing green software.

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Table of Contents

  • Preface
    • Who should read this book? And why?
    • Methods: The good, the bad, and the why
    • General method adoption principle: Be pragmatic!
    • The templates
    • Book content
    • The GitHub repository companion to this book
    • Current status of book and repository
    • About the authors
  • Introduction
    • Content organization and terminology
    • Overview and dependencies (steps)
    • Quick links (getting started)
    • Other method/practice collections
  • Activities Reference
    • Architectural Decision Capturing
    • Architecture Modeling
    • SMART Non-Functional Requirement (NFR) Elicitation
    • Story Splitting
    • Strategic Domain-Driven Design (DDD)
    • Tactic(al) Domain-Driven Design (DDD)
    • User Interface Mocking
    • Stepwise Service Design
  • Artifacts Reference
    • Architectural Decision Record (Y-Statement)
    • Components, Responsibilities, Collaborations (CRC) Card
    • Component Diagram
    • Context Diagram
    • Deployment Diagram
    • Domain Model
    • Overview Diagram
    • Quality Attribute Scenario (QAS)
    • DDD Context Map
    • Use Case (Model)
    • User Stories
    • API Description
    • Candidate Endpoint List (CEL)
    • Refined Endpoint List (REL)
    • Service Level Agreement (SLA)
  • Roles Reference
    • Application and Integration Architect
    • API Product Owner
  • Examples of Design Practices in Action
    • Story 1: Architectural decision capturing matters
    • Story 2: User stories vs. use cases vs. both
    • Story 3: “Patterns for API Design” and its Lakeside Mutual case study
    • More examples
  • Critical Review and Discussion
    • When and when not to go “deeper”
    • Where to start exploring?
    • Really mighty and enabling?
  • Done with Design Practice Reference: What’s Next?
  • Bibliography
  • Cheat Sheet
  • Backlog of Missing Method Elements
  • Copyright, Trademarks, Disclaimers
  • Notes

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